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Bid to replace mayor hits snag

by Staff reporter
06 Apr 2022 at 01:34hrs | Views
A MOVE to replace recalled Harare mayor Jacob Mafume by Douglas Mwonzora's MDC Alliance failed yesterday after a scheduled full council meeting was aborted at the eleventh hour.

Some councillors boycotted the meeting amid claims that there was a push to elevate acting mayor Stewart Mutizwa to fill the vacant post ahead of this week's swearing-in of the recently elected councillors.

The Citizens Coalition for Change has 28 councillors that are set to return to Town House after they won the March 26 by-elections.

Chamber secretary Warren Chiwawa told NewsDay that the meeting could not go ahead as only 12 councillors attended.

"According to the law, a meeting can go ahead when there are at least 17 councillors in attendance. However, only 12 turned up, forcing the meeting to adjourn," he said.

Local Government minister July Moyo last week said Mafume's seat was now vacant following his recall from the council by the People's Democratic Party (PDP).

Mafume and other recalled PDP councillors Simon Chabuka (Mutare) and Arnold Batirai Dube (Bulawayo) have approached the High Court challenging their dismissal.

They want their recalls to be declared null and void, saying their constitutional rights had been being violated.

They cited Moyo, the town clerks of Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission as respondents.

The matter is yet to be heard.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
More on: #Mayor, #Replace, #Harare