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ZACC silent on MRDC 'graft'

by Simbarashe Sithole
20 Apr 2022 at 05:40hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission has left people of Mazowe baffled after it completed its corruption investigations on Mazowe Rural District Council (MRDC) and has never disclosed its findings but has instead handed over its report to MRDC officials.

ZACC has been investigating and arresting council officials in Mashonaland  Central province with Guruve, Muzarabani, Bindura and Mvurwi chief executive officers being dragged to court but on Mazowe nothing was actioned.

ZACC spokesperson John Makamure refused to comment directing questions to his information  department.

Residents who spoke to suspect collusion between ZACC and MRDC officials.

"We are worried with ZACC it was conducting investigations at MRDC but nothing was communicated to us we are only told that the report was left  at council how is that possible when they are supposed to deal with the council but they claim to leave them their report," lamented Sekai Gokomere.

"We suspect the people involved in the corrupt activities at MRDC are dining with ZACC," Rodrick Tsunga said.

However, some ZANU PF councillors in Mazowe are accusing council chairman John Mudzonga and Mazowe West legislator Kazembe Kazembe of illegally parcelling stands to ZANU PF youths who were instrumental in the provincial elections.

The disgruntled councillors told that an urgent full council meeting has been called to address the issue.

"We are not happy very few people are benefiting hence an urgent meeting has been called this nonsense should stop," fumed the councillors.

Source - Byo24New
More on: #ZACC, #Silent, #MRDC, #Graft