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Peter Ndlovu fails to pay maintenance...children drop out of school

by Mandla Ndlovu
02 May 2022 at 03:55hrs | Views
Celebrated Zimbabwean soccer star and Mamelodi Sundowns team manager Peter Ndlovu has been dragged to court by one of his baby mamas who is pleading with the courts to grant her an order barring Ndlovu from taking care of his other children (whom she claims are not his biological children) until he has paid maintenance for her two children whom he has allegedly neglected since 2017.

According to reports coming from neighbouring South Africa, the baby mama said she wanted the order because Ndlovu failed to support the children who are aged 10 and 15 since 2017.

"That this honourable court interdicts the respondent from committing and carrying out any act of a parental nature, fatherhood or parenting, any public display of affection and the publishing of pictures of the respondent with other children as it hurts the minor children when they see their father with other children and doing things for other children that he is not doing for them," the court papers say.

The woman also asked the court to bar Ndlovu from visiting his other children, taking pictures with them and selling any of his assets before paying child support.

"It has come to the attention of the applicant that the respondent is paying R8 000 for two children who are two years old. The respondent continues to pay for private school fees for other children who are not his children while the minor children who are his biological children are not in school," The lawyers for the woman said.  "That the respondent does not incur further expenses until such time that the respondent has complied with the above mentioned maintenance order and all matters pertaining to this order and well-being of the minor children in whose favour the order was made, are finalised.

"That the respondent does not dispose of any assets while the matter is sub judice. The most painful thing is that the respondent lived as if our children were dead and as if they do not exist, while maintaining other men's children.

"I asked the respondent  for money just to buy food, I begged him. I begged him for money to pay the rent, he refused and my children and I were evicted more than once, at a time when things did not go well for me."

Ndlovu is yet to respond to the allegations.  

Source - Byo24News/Sunday World