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Zanu-PF Youth League conference kicks off

by Staff reporter
05 May 2022 at 07:05hrs | Views
ALL roads lead to the Harare International Conference Centre today for the 7th Zanu-PF Youth League elective conference, with delegates expected to be seated by 9am.

The party's First Secretary, President Mnangagwa, is expected to give his keynote address before the youths delve into today's conference business.

The President will also close the conference tomorrow.

The conference will also be attended by the Zanu-PF party leadership and provincial leadership from across the country.

It will feature an elective process for the incoming Youth League National Executive Council.

Delegates to the Zanu-PF Youth League Conference go through the accreditation process at Zanu-PF Headquarters in Harare yesterday. — Picture: Joseph Manditswara.

Elections will be held later in the afternoon and the commissariat department will announce the results afterwards.

Tabling of resolutions drawn from all provinces and solidarity messages from youth organs from Diaspora party districts, affiliates and fraternal political parties from the SADC region, East Africa, Asia and Europe, will also be done.

In line with the party constitution, the conference will be chaired by the party's national chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

The usual Covid-19 health protocols will be adhered to during the conference.

Speaking during a press conference yesterday, Zanu-PF Youth League acting Deputy Secretary Tendai Chirau said all systems were in place for the successful holding of the elective conference.

Some of the issues to be discussed include the state of the economy, the role of youths in party affairs, drugs abuse by youths, sporting activities, religion and culture and youth empowerment.

Chirau said one of the key resolutions coming from all the 10 provinces is that President Mnangagwa remains the party's sole candidate for the 2023 harmonised elections.

"This was unanimous," he said. "All the youth structures adopted the resolution for transforming the country's economy."

Youth League Secretary for External Affairs Sibongile Sibanda said they had received almost all the invited foreign delegates.

Source - The Herald