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Wrangle over Nkayi top job

by Staff reporter
24 May 2022 at 07:21hrs | Views
Nkayi Rural District councillors are in the eye of a storm after they allegedly changed the results of an interview for a chief executive officer to favour a candidate who came second.

Acting Chief Executive officer Mr Lawrence Mudimba who came second was selected for the post ahead of Mr Silibele Mpofu who came first.

The Nkayi CEO post was left vacant after Mr Zimbabwe Ndlovu was fired.

According to the RDC's latest Human Resources Committee minutes seen by the Chronicle, interviews to employ a new CEO where conducted on March 3 this year with seven shortlisted candidates in attendance.

According to the minutes, the interview was conducted by a team which had Bubi CEO, Dr Patson Mlilo who was the chairperson, Hwange CEO, Phindile Ncube, Hwange District Development Coordinator Simon Muleya, deputy director in the Ministry of Public Works Local Government Matabeleland North Province Gloria Rawundi and Wenstone Mundonzvo who is the human resources officer in the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works in Matabelend North Province.

According to the interview scores, Mr Mpofu came first with 229 points against Mr Mudimba who was second with 200 points.

The other five candidates who made it to the short list scored less than 200 points.

Commenting on the two candidates, the interviewing panel said: "Mr Mpofu has vast experience in local government," while Mr Mudimba was said to be "better placed to handle council finances and can be groomed for succession in future".

According to the report some Nkayi RDC councillors; Jameson Joshua Mnethwa (council chairperson) Elvis Nkomo, Lot Fuzwayo and Alson Ndlovu who observed the interview process expressed satisfaction which the way it was conducted and only suggested that "the winning candidate must be appraised of the RDC's financial challenges."

The interview panel made the following recommendations: "That ministerial approval is sought for the appointment of Silibele Mpofu as the chief executive officer for Nkayi RDC.

That if Silibele turns down the offer, Lawrence Mudimba is appointed as CEO," reads the report.

The Human Resources Committee went on to recommend that Mr Mudimba who came second must be appointed instead of Mr Mpofu.

The councillors in the committee said Mr Mudimba "has been in Nkayi for some time and they work well with him.  Also, there are notable changes he has brought during his tenure as the acting CEO.

The committee highlighted issues such as improved revenue collection, payment of salaries and T/S, and unity among the workforce," as some of the reasons for choosing to ignore the candidate who came first.

The councillors recommended that "Silibele Mpofu becomes the second candidate and third candidate maintains his position," .

The full meeting which sat on 14 April then adopted the recommendation of the Human Resources Committee.

Nkayi District Development Coordinator Matilda Mlotshwa warned the council that the ministry had in the past rejected such moves.

"The DDC advised that there are two councils in Matabeleland South Province which tried to recommend other candidates other than the first candidates and were not successful that is Gwanda Rural District Council and Insiza Rural District Council.

"She indicated to the house that should they decide to recommend otherwise they should give valid reasons to justify their decision," reads the report.

A source in Nkayi said the council has since forwarded its recommendation to ministry to give the job to Mr Mudimba instead of Mr Mpofu.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Wrangle, #Nkayi, #Job