News / National
Zimbabwe won't fall prey to Western fables, fabrications
25 May 2022 at 01:28hrs | Views

DRUMS are beating, so high to a deafening crescendo as Zimbabwe hurtles towards the 2023 elections. Of course, the ground is already uneven because President Mnangagwa has been implementing pro-people policies that have found resonance even among his critics.
Of course, the 2023 election is a foregone conclusion, what with an opposition that is in smithereens, perpetually scoring own goals but with nothing to show to Zimbabweans that they are an alternative government in waiting.
How could they?
What with their own goals. In their zones of autonomy, litter goes uncollected, and rivulets of sewage flow everywhere posing a constant health hazard to increasingly disillusioned ratepayers, who have been rescued from by central Government, which often intervenes to save the lives and is working on bringing back the lustre to towns that have been on a downward spiral for two decades now - of course under opposition watch.
The West awakens from its slumber
Apparently concerned by the appalling and sorry state of affairs in the opposition, the Western world is now back in town clutching a set of papers that contain what are supposedly recommendations to Zimbabwe ahead of next year's elections.
Bizarrely the report from where the recommendations are drawn is on the 2018 elections, ironically four years after those polls that were resoundingly won by President Mnangagwa, and a year before Zimbabwe heads for another poll that the opposition, according to pollsters, is set to lose.
Suddenly, the Western world has been woken from its slumber and now prattles and tattles about reforms, having failed to fan false nationalism through proxies in the form of the opposition and the so-called civic society that has pocketed handsome amounts of money that forms a growing war chest to be used for and ahead of the 2023 elections.
In Zimbabwe, the National Endowment for Democracy, the overt, traceable, and trackable agency for US-backed regime change is working with organisations like the International Republican Institute (IRI) which has been funded to the tune of US$400 000 ostensibly to promote civic awareness and sponsor actions to counter disinformation.
Other organisations that have been roped in include the Institute for Young Women Development Trust, Youth Forum Zimbabwe and Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition South Africa Desk.
Also on the payroll of the US is the Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development Trust, Zimbabwe Democracy Institute, Centre for Innovation and Technology Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, Magamba Network, Chitungwiza Community Development Network, Zimbabwe Organisation for the Youth in Politics, Community Youth Development Trust, Youth Initiatives for Community Development Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association and Habakkuk Trust.
A cursory search can reveal that most of the above organisations have direct or indirect links to the opposition with Crisis Coalition, led by Peter Mutasa, just one example of how proxies are being employed as the country prepares for the 2023 elections.
There is a method to the madness
Across the Limpopo, in the landlocked Kingdom of Eswatini, a country with unique, ancient rock formations, and ever a source of wonderment for adventurers, (you guessed right Westerners), there has been a series of protests that have been traced right to the door of the ever intrusive United States.
According to the South African privately owned publication, The Sunday Independent, from 2020 to the present day, pro-democracy movements in the country have been given over R130 million to fund sporadic protests calling for the removal of King Mswati.
The publication has also learnt that plans are underway for further demonstrations set for June this year under the banner "eSwatini Winter Revolution". According to records of meetings held in Mauritius and Kigali, Rwanda, in February and April by the alleged sponsors and instigators of the protests, large sums of money have been pledged towards the revolution.
Same old tricks from the unrelenting West
World focus might be trained on the Russian/Ukraine conflict, where the West is losing the war, as its proxy is boxed and battered by Vladimir Putin, who, like many African states, seeks to preserve his nation's sovereignty.
Although the West is losing the war, it is contriving by night through copious amounts of propaganda to prop up their puppet regime, but that doesn't mean that they have only one log in the fire, nay, they have a raging fight for control of resources in countries like Eswatini and Zimbabwe where they fan anti-establishment flames in the vain hope of fomenting discord and effecting regime change.
What is happening in Eswatini is just a harbinger of the thick plot to destabilise the whole of Southern Africa. Remember the stay away that failed to take off, a demonstration that has all the fingerprints of the US and its CIA, which was resoundingly ignored by Zimbabwe as it was yammered by the regional caricature opposition leader and quintessential Western puppet, Mmusi Maimane.
History repeating Itself, to monumental flops
Writing in the United Kingdom Morning Post, Kenny Coyle, the founder of Praxis Press - a publisher of books on Marxism and socialist history - traced how the CIA, working with organisations such as National Endowment for Democracy, has always pushed the agenda for regime change. Specifically, he writes about how the CIA intervened in the 1948 Italian elections, where massive support for the Italian Communist Party and its then Socialist Party ally threatened to create a government opposed to US interests.
In that election, which took place more than half a century ago, the US was working with the Christian Democrats and allied parties to prevent the communist-led People's Democratic Front from coming to power.
Just as we have churches today being funded by the West to push for regime change, so they had in Italy conveniently useful pulpits working with a willing press to take a stand against the then disparaged "atheistic communists", notably the Vatican supported the slogan "o con cristo o contro cristo" (either with Christ or against Christ).
As the historian Effie Pedaliu noted: "In their fight against Italian communism, the US utilised unrestricted psychological and political warfare, incorporating among other means, black propaganda, meddling in trade union politics, suitcases of money changing hands in some of Rome's most exclusive and elegant hotels, letter-writing campaigns by the Italian-American community, red, white and blue ‘friendship trains' distributing gifts that had been sent from the US and Hollywood with Frank Sinatra and Gary Cooper even playing their part."
Isn't this the same script unfolding, isn't this the same agenda in motion as we hear the drums of war beat to a deafening crescendo all in the name of democracy, which to the Western embassies is a euphemism for their values and norms and through, in Franz Fanon's words, the white man's gaze. Reforms have been implemented and in Zimbabwe no one is determined to ensure that they are entrenched than President Mnangagwa.
In his speech to mark Africa Day, that is being held under the theme "Strengthening Nutrition and Food Security on the Continent; Strengthening Agro-food systems, health and social protection systems for acceleration of human, social and economic capital development," President Mnangagwa made it clear that his Government is committed to entrenching democracy.
"…the consolidation and entrenchment of the culture of democracy, good governance, justice and equality, bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers, must remain the priority of all our governments".
Democracy not made in America
In August last year, while addressing a press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, said, "…Democracy cannot be predetermined or overstretched. There is no set model of democracy.
"To give you an analogy, cold milk on a daily basis doesn't agree with a Chinese stomach and chopsticks are not often used by Americans. A meal of a hamburger or steak with fork and knife is not the only way to get one well fed. Democracy is not Coca-Cola, which, with the syrup produced by the United States, tastes the same across the world. Many Chinese prefer Beijing-based soda drink branded Arctic Ocean", she said.
Indeed, that can sound so true in the case of many African states, particularly Zimbabwe, a nation that fought a protracted liberation struggle to give birth to democracy, fruits of which many enjoy today, including the same NGOs that are now preaching the very same word albeit at the behest of some of the worst violators of human rights in the West.
The transgressions are many, from the slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism that find expression through foisted ideals or coercive measures such as economic sanctions.
When wonders never cease
While Zimbabwe has been under the yoke of the debilitating sanctions, progress has been made under the Second Republic, with the economy growing even to the grudging countenance of Western controlled Institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Still the baneful sanctions remain and resolute Zimbabweans endure, undeterred. Zimbabweans soldier on, carrying themselves heads high as masters of their destiny as the control of resources, that the western world so crave, remains firmly in their hands.
In what is the reincarnation of the diabolical Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera), the United States is mulling imposing stiff penalties on African countries that will be deemed diplomatically sympathetic to the Russian Federation.
The latest move by the US, known as the "Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act", gives congress power to probe African countries that are deemed to be leaning towards Russia and propose to punish sovereign African states for associating with Russia.
Coming of age
In the wake of these blanket sanctions threats against Africa, African states should unite, shun self-hate, shun self-blame, shun intra-fighting, and face American socio-economic-political threats head-on. Genuine African currency, one central bank, and unified African foreign policy are truly the winning punch for African economic development and sovereignty. Persistent American epistemicide, genocides, post-colonial enslavement, and colonisation of Africa should be resisted at all costs. The renewed threat of sanctions should help Africa to unite and reconsider its new international trading pathway.
In the guise of pseudo freedom and Western praise, some African countries often surrender the password for their resources such that they are disinherited while smiling. Zimbabwe has proved to be resolute in calling for symmetrical relations with global countries including America. It is in this light that Zimbabwe has refused to get sprawled in Western mud of fables and fabrications.
Sanction threats against Africa are wake-up calls to most African countries. Just like during the slave trade era, Africans are still being socially, politically, and economically hunted down like animals and then enslaved, trapped, shipped, prevented from developing their economies, and forced to dance to American thuggery and bully tunes. Africans should realise that Zidera was unjustified against Zimbabwe. From Zimbabwe's sanctions experience, other African countries should wake up and stay alert lest they continue being disinherited and wandering around without ownership and control of their resources.
African countries should also learn that instead of blindly clamouring for transitions and Western pats on the back, it is prudent to reflect and share ideas as Africans on how best to move the continent forward for the good of the broader African citizenry.
Of course, the 2023 election is a foregone conclusion, what with an opposition that is in smithereens, perpetually scoring own goals but with nothing to show to Zimbabweans that they are an alternative government in waiting.
How could they?
What with their own goals. In their zones of autonomy, litter goes uncollected, and rivulets of sewage flow everywhere posing a constant health hazard to increasingly disillusioned ratepayers, who have been rescued from by central Government, which often intervenes to save the lives and is working on bringing back the lustre to towns that have been on a downward spiral for two decades now - of course under opposition watch.
The West awakens from its slumber
Apparently concerned by the appalling and sorry state of affairs in the opposition, the Western world is now back in town clutching a set of papers that contain what are supposedly recommendations to Zimbabwe ahead of next year's elections.
Bizarrely the report from where the recommendations are drawn is on the 2018 elections, ironically four years after those polls that were resoundingly won by President Mnangagwa, and a year before Zimbabwe heads for another poll that the opposition, according to pollsters, is set to lose.
Suddenly, the Western world has been woken from its slumber and now prattles and tattles about reforms, having failed to fan false nationalism through proxies in the form of the opposition and the so-called civic society that has pocketed handsome amounts of money that forms a growing war chest to be used for and ahead of the 2023 elections.
In Zimbabwe, the National Endowment for Democracy, the overt, traceable, and trackable agency for US-backed regime change is working with organisations like the International Republican Institute (IRI) which has been funded to the tune of US$400 000 ostensibly to promote civic awareness and sponsor actions to counter disinformation.
Other organisations that have been roped in include the Institute for Young Women Development Trust, Youth Forum Zimbabwe and Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition South Africa Desk.
Also on the payroll of the US is the Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development Trust, Zimbabwe Democracy Institute, Centre for Innovation and Technology Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, Magamba Network, Chitungwiza Community Development Network, Zimbabwe Organisation for the Youth in Politics, Community Youth Development Trust, Youth Initiatives for Community Development Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association and Habakkuk Trust.
A cursory search can reveal that most of the above organisations have direct or indirect links to the opposition with Crisis Coalition, led by Peter Mutasa, just one example of how proxies are being employed as the country prepares for the 2023 elections.
There is a method to the madness
Across the Limpopo, in the landlocked Kingdom of Eswatini, a country with unique, ancient rock formations, and ever a source of wonderment for adventurers, (you guessed right Westerners), there has been a series of protests that have been traced right to the door of the ever intrusive United States.
According to the South African privately owned publication, The Sunday Independent, from 2020 to the present day, pro-democracy movements in the country have been given over R130 million to fund sporadic protests calling for the removal of King Mswati.
The publication has also learnt that plans are underway for further demonstrations set for June this year under the banner "eSwatini Winter Revolution". According to records of meetings held in Mauritius and Kigali, Rwanda, in February and April by the alleged sponsors and instigators of the protests, large sums of money have been pledged towards the revolution.
Same old tricks from the unrelenting West
World focus might be trained on the Russian/Ukraine conflict, where the West is losing the war, as its proxy is boxed and battered by Vladimir Putin, who, like many African states, seeks to preserve his nation's sovereignty.
Although the West is losing the war, it is contriving by night through copious amounts of propaganda to prop up their puppet regime, but that doesn't mean that they have only one log in the fire, nay, they have a raging fight for control of resources in countries like Eswatini and Zimbabwe where they fan anti-establishment flames in the vain hope of fomenting discord and effecting regime change.
What is happening in Eswatini is just a harbinger of the thick plot to destabilise the whole of Southern Africa. Remember the stay away that failed to take off, a demonstration that has all the fingerprints of the US and its CIA, which was resoundingly ignored by Zimbabwe as it was yammered by the regional caricature opposition leader and quintessential Western puppet, Mmusi Maimane.
History repeating Itself, to monumental flops
Writing in the United Kingdom Morning Post, Kenny Coyle, the founder of Praxis Press - a publisher of books on Marxism and socialist history - traced how the CIA, working with organisations such as National Endowment for Democracy, has always pushed the agenda for regime change. Specifically, he writes about how the CIA intervened in the 1948 Italian elections, where massive support for the Italian Communist Party and its then Socialist Party ally threatened to create a government opposed to US interests.
In that election, which took place more than half a century ago, the US was working with the Christian Democrats and allied parties to prevent the communist-led People's Democratic Front from coming to power.
Just as we have churches today being funded by the West to push for regime change, so they had in Italy conveniently useful pulpits working with a willing press to take a stand against the then disparaged "atheistic communists", notably the Vatican supported the slogan "o con cristo o contro cristo" (either with Christ or against Christ).
As the historian Effie Pedaliu noted: "In their fight against Italian communism, the US utilised unrestricted psychological and political warfare, incorporating among other means, black propaganda, meddling in trade union politics, suitcases of money changing hands in some of Rome's most exclusive and elegant hotels, letter-writing campaigns by the Italian-American community, red, white and blue ‘friendship trains' distributing gifts that had been sent from the US and Hollywood with Frank Sinatra and Gary Cooper even playing their part."
Isn't this the same script unfolding, isn't this the same agenda in motion as we hear the drums of war beat to a deafening crescendo all in the name of democracy, which to the Western embassies is a euphemism for their values and norms and through, in Franz Fanon's words, the white man's gaze. Reforms have been implemented and in Zimbabwe no one is determined to ensure that they are entrenched than President Mnangagwa.
In his speech to mark Africa Day, that is being held under the theme "Strengthening Nutrition and Food Security on the Continent; Strengthening Agro-food systems, health and social protection systems for acceleration of human, social and economic capital development," President Mnangagwa made it clear that his Government is committed to entrenching democracy.
"…the consolidation and entrenchment of the culture of democracy, good governance, justice and equality, bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers, must remain the priority of all our governments".
Democracy not made in America
In August last year, while addressing a press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, said, "…Democracy cannot be predetermined or overstretched. There is no set model of democracy.
"To give you an analogy, cold milk on a daily basis doesn't agree with a Chinese stomach and chopsticks are not often used by Americans. A meal of a hamburger or steak with fork and knife is not the only way to get one well fed. Democracy is not Coca-Cola, which, with the syrup produced by the United States, tastes the same across the world. Many Chinese prefer Beijing-based soda drink branded Arctic Ocean", she said.
Indeed, that can sound so true in the case of many African states, particularly Zimbabwe, a nation that fought a protracted liberation struggle to give birth to democracy, fruits of which many enjoy today, including the same NGOs that are now preaching the very same word albeit at the behest of some of the worst violators of human rights in the West.
The transgressions are many, from the slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism that find expression through foisted ideals or coercive measures such as economic sanctions.
When wonders never cease
While Zimbabwe has been under the yoke of the debilitating sanctions, progress has been made under the Second Republic, with the economy growing even to the grudging countenance of Western controlled Institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Still the baneful sanctions remain and resolute Zimbabweans endure, undeterred. Zimbabweans soldier on, carrying themselves heads high as masters of their destiny as the control of resources, that the western world so crave, remains firmly in their hands.
In what is the reincarnation of the diabolical Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera), the United States is mulling imposing stiff penalties on African countries that will be deemed diplomatically sympathetic to the Russian Federation.
The latest move by the US, known as the "Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act", gives congress power to probe African countries that are deemed to be leaning towards Russia and propose to punish sovereign African states for associating with Russia.
Coming of age
In the wake of these blanket sanctions threats against Africa, African states should unite, shun self-hate, shun self-blame, shun intra-fighting, and face American socio-economic-political threats head-on. Genuine African currency, one central bank, and unified African foreign policy are truly the winning punch for African economic development and sovereignty. Persistent American epistemicide, genocides, post-colonial enslavement, and colonisation of Africa should be resisted at all costs. The renewed threat of sanctions should help Africa to unite and reconsider its new international trading pathway.
In the guise of pseudo freedom and Western praise, some African countries often surrender the password for their resources such that they are disinherited while smiling. Zimbabwe has proved to be resolute in calling for symmetrical relations with global countries including America. It is in this light that Zimbabwe has refused to get sprawled in Western mud of fables and fabrications.
Sanction threats against Africa are wake-up calls to most African countries. Just like during the slave trade era, Africans are still being socially, politically, and economically hunted down like animals and then enslaved, trapped, shipped, prevented from developing their economies, and forced to dance to American thuggery and bully tunes. Africans should realise that Zidera was unjustified against Zimbabwe. From Zimbabwe's sanctions experience, other African countries should wake up and stay alert lest they continue being disinherited and wandering around without ownership and control of their resources.
African countries should also learn that instead of blindly clamouring for transitions and Western pats on the back, it is prudent to reflect and share ideas as Africans on how best to move the continent forward for the good of the broader African citizenry.
Source - The Herald