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Food security headache hits Mnangagwa government

by Mandla Ndlovu
02 Jun 2022 at 17:48hrs | Views

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government is facing potential bread shortages as wheat supplies dwindled sharply over the past few weeks.

The looming shortage and hike in wheat prices was triggered mainly by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine who are the two largest wheat producers in the world.

Insurance companies have removed insurance cover on ships operating in the waters close to the conflict region. Without shipping the country won't be able to access the wheat from Russia.

The Russo-Ukraine conflict has also resulted in at least 20 major wheat producers suspending exports to meet domestic demand.

Analysts said this was a tough challenge for President Mnangagwa's government which is set to face elections in 10 months time.

Socio-economic analyst Thabo Nkiwane from the Pan African Christian Business Network said "Normally under such circumstances Grain Millers Association would spring to action and save the day but this time their hands are tied due to the Wadyajena onslaught on Grain Millers."

Nkiwane added that "The situation is also worsened by the fact that our local currency has significantly lost value in the past fortnight and millers are left holding a devalued Local currency while wheat suppliers demand US dollars for the commodity."

International wheat prices are now in the USD700 per metric tonne range .

Some MPs who spoke on condition of anonymity said industry is being fought by the currency and politicians are also fighting industry when we should be supporting industry to come up with innovative solutions that help keep food on our people's tables.

One MP from Mashonaland West added that "Food has been known to cause revolutions in Africa, remember the food riots of 1992 , the same happened to our neighbors Zambia and we need to be very careful how we handle food security issues."

Source - Byo24News