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Chirau appointed deputy secretary

by Staff reporter
09 Jun 2022 at 06:36hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has appointed former Zanu-PF acting Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs, Tendai Chirau, as the Deputy Secretary for Security in the Politburo.

Speaking after the 362nd Politburo session in Harare last night,  National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha, who was standing in for the party's spokesperson, Christopher Mutsvangwa, said Chirau assumes the post with immediate effect.

The Politburo, Bimha said, also endorsed President Mnangagwa's directive for the party to sharpen its mobilisation strategies ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

The party, he said, must nurture and assist the newly-elected youth league executive.

"The party leadership has been directed to take constitutional amendments of the party's constitution very seriously guided by the party interests.

"The party leadership must always, at all times, seek to popularise and educate the public on the vision, projects and direction of the Second Republic," said Bimha.

Bimha also gave a detailed report on the forthcoming Women's League Conference.

The report on the just-ended Youth League conference was also tabled and adopted with the newly -elected deputy Secretary for the Youth League, John Paradza, being received in the Politburo.

Bimha also said the Politburo endorsed the outcomes of the provincial conferences of the Women's League ahead of their elective conference.

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF Secretary for the Women's League, who is also Senate president, Mabel Chinomona, announced the names of the 40 candidates who sailed through to the national women's league executive.

Notable figures who won in their respective provinces are Monica Mutsvangwa, who is the League's Secretary for Administration, Angeline Masuku, deputy Secretary for Women's League, Mable Mbowa, Secretary for Commissariat in the league, Betty Nhambu Kaseke, Nyasha Chikwinya and Dorothy Mashonganyika.

Source - The Herald