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Journalist threatened with violence

by Staff reporter
12 Jun 2022 at 09:17hrs | Views
THE Media Institute of Southern Africa (Misa)-Zimbabwe has condemned the harassment of freelance journalist Simbarashe Sithole by unknown persons over his stories exposing corruption.

Sithole on June 7 filed a police report after he received threats over a story he wrote on alleged corruption in Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe's Mazowe West constituency.

In a call recording, a caller, who identified himself as Saunyama, threatened to assault the journalist, and to also ‘deal with him on social media'.

The caller expressed his displeasure with the stories that Sithole has been writing pertaining to Kazembe and even asked Sithole to disclose his location threatening to assault him.

In the police report filed at Mvurwi Police Station, Sithole said he feared for his life.

"Misa Zimbabwe condemns any form of violence, threats, intimidation and harassment of journalists and media workers, more so, during the course of their professional duties," Misa Zimbabwe said.

"Journalists have a constitutional mandate and right to seek, receive and impart information without hindrance and such violations (threats) are an unjustifiable infringement in the exercise of their right to media freedom.

"Misa Zimbabwe urges any persons with complaints over stories written by journalists to approach the Zimbabwe Media Commission or the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe for redress."

Sithole also writes for The Standard.

Source - The Standard
More on: #Simba, #Sithole, #Threat