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Zimbabwean MPs call for harsh penalties for sanctions beggars

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2022 at 07:29hrs | Views
ZIMBABWEANS inviting sanctions against the country and so causing people to suffer should be barred from holding public office, Zanu-PF chief whip, Pupurai Togarepi, told the National Assembly yesterday.

Moving a motion calling for the enactment of laws that penalise those that abuse the political freedoms in the country for their selfish interests, Togarepi said the country's Independence had brought freedoms like the ‘one man one vote' and the right to participate in political activities of one's choice.

"From the early 2000s we have had opposition political parties largely sponsored by the West who have sought to destabilise the country, promoted violence and destroyed the cohesion of the country.

"Some have gone around the world calling for sanctions to be visited on their people and spread lies about the country and have caused suffering. It's time we have laws in this country that say such people should not be allowed to hold office in this country," he said.

Seconding the motion, Beitbridge East MP Albert Nguluvhe said Zimbabweans should resolve their political differences without outside interference and called for the enactment of a Patriotic Act to deal with individuals that denigrate their country.

Murehwa West legislator Jonah Sewera said a lot of people had sacrificed their lives for the country's Independence and Zimbabweans would sacrifice again to defend it against external threats.

Uzumba MP Simbaneuta Mudarikwa said it was criminal for one to go around the world calling for sanctions and urged Government to cancel passports for such individuals.

Source - The Herald