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Busisa Moyo exposes David Coltart

by Mandla Ndlovu
16 Jun 2022 at 11:49hrs | Views
United Refineries CEO, ZITF Chairman and leading Zimbabwean businessman Busisa Moyo has rebutted allegations by CCC Treasurer General David Coltart that him and former MDC leader Eddie Cross are in United States of America to lobby some institutions on behalf of the ruling party ZANU PF.

Writing on social media, Coltart said, "I have been told that Eddie Cross and BusisaMoyo are in Washington today lobbying on behalf of the ZANUPF regime assisted by a lawyer Jasmine Zaki of the law firm ArentFox Schiff which allegedly also represents Russian mining oligarchs. If true this is utterly shameful.

"That Cross and Moyo could be doing this at a time when opposition MPs are detained and several opposition supporters brutally murdered is appalling. I'm told they are arguing that Zimbabwe has made progress in respecting the rule of law which is false."

Coltart further added that Cross and Moyo were betraying Zimbabweans.

"ZANUPF know they are not welcome in democracies so these two men are the glove over the iron fist. The actions of Cross and Moyo, if the allegations are true, are an utter betrayal of millions of Zimbabweans who are reeling under ZANUPF's gross misrule of our Nation. I invite Cross and Busisa Moyo to rebut these allegations if they are untrue."

In response Busisa, "I am in Harare Senator. I don't know your sources. It's very worrying for you to be so inaccurate and  misleading as a brother in the Lord I am gravely disappointed as someone that my whole family actually respects it's sad but I do understand your political work is above all else."

Source - Byo24News