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Nonica Mutsvangwa Foundation donates chess boards

by Mandla Ndlovu
27 Jun 2022 at 08:20hrs | Views
It was all smiles and cheers at Haig Park Primary school in Harare as students received a donation of chess boards and pieces from the newly formed Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa Foundation.

The foundation hit the ground running with a massive drive to mobilize chess boards for primary school children.

The was drive was inspired by the young Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa who continues to bring people together with smiles and warm hearts.

Nonica passed on in April 2022 and the idea of a Foundation to promote Nonica's legacy and vision was founded and it has now come to life with tangibles on the ground. Nonica continues to shine through the Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa Foundation.

The Foundation has gone on a massive drive to source chessboards which have been donated to school children.

The Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa foundation handed over chess boards to Haig Park Primary school in Harare. The foundation was represented by a three member team who handed over the chess boards.

Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa was an avid chess player who enjoyed the game of chess. The Nonica Paidamoyo Mutsvangwa Foundation seeks to take the chess drive to national level as they keep the dream , legacy and passion of Nonica Mutsvangwa alive.

The foundation and its partners are determined to ensure that chess loving children in Zimbabwe have adequate resources to play and enjoy the game throughout the country.

Source - Byo24News