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Mnangagwa knows price of bread - says Ministry

by Staff reporter
29 Jun 2022 at 20:32hrs | Views
Information Ministry Permanent secretary Nick Mangwana on Wednesday released a clip of President Emmerson Mnangagwa grocery shopping, noting that the Zanu-PF leader used Zimbabwe dollars and was aware of the price of bread.

The clip was supposedly aimed at showing that the Zanu-PF leader is not tone deaf at a time the majority poor are reeling under a cost of living crisis amid world record inflation.

However, Zimbabweans who responded to Mangwana's tweet say they more interested in what Mnangagwa was doing about the cost of bread, not whether he was aware of the its pricing.

Said one Takudzwa Ngadziore:
"You've suddenly forgotten that Zimbabweans don't care if he knows ? They care if he DOES something to make the situation better ! To make the bread affordable for all. Even if he knows, does it change the rate ? ZERO !"



Source - NewZimbabwe