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Chihuri was better, says Mliswa

by Desmond Nleya
15 Jul 2022 at 15:34hrs | Views
Outspoken Norton legislator, Temba Mliswa has slammed the Zimbabwe Republic Police for incompetence under Godwin Matanga while saying the former Police Chief, Augustine Chihuri was better.

Mliswa made the remarks yesterday in parliament during a question and answer session.

Rising on a point of order, the ever vibrant lawmaker said the the current surge in crime was due to lack of control and discipline within the police force.

"Right now, we are going through the worst policing ever in this country under Commissioner General Matanga.  During the days of Augustine Chihuri, whether you like it or not, there was no such crime.  Chihuri could have been anything but there was control in the police and there was discipline.  Whether it was corrupt or not, there was still discipline with the corruption in the police because he was in total control.  Right now, there is no total control of the police in this country.  We need the Minister to come up with a Ministerial Statement in terms of the firearms database of this country," he fumed

Mliswa further demanded that police reinstate Joseph Nemaisa, a former homicide detective who allegedly gunned down 4 highly trained armed robbers in Harare last year, into the police force to curb the ever rising rate in crime.

"We have got experts who are good at dealing with armed robbers.  One of them is Nemaisa.  Why can you not bring Nemaisa back to the police?  Nemaisa was fired because of Delish Nguwaya.  When he arrested Nguwaya at the time, Nemaisa was fired over a personal issue.  We would want to know why one of the best experts in dealing with homicide was fired.  I would want you to give us a Ministerial Statement.  What wrong did Nemaisa do in terms of his conduct with the police?  Not only that, why was he fired?  If there was anything Madam Speaker, I think it was a personal issue where he arrested Nguwaya and he was then fired.  We now lost a top cop who was experienced in terms of homicide," he added.

Zimbabwe is currently facing serious cases of armed robberies and this has prompted the law makers to get worried.

Last week over $100 000 and $45 000 was lost to armed robbers in Harare and Bulawayo respectively leading the law makers to get worried over the security of the country.

Source - Byo24News