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Fake Chamisa intel: riot cops in heavy Kuwadzana deployment

by Staff reporter
07 Aug 2022 at 08:44hrs | Views
ZIMBABWE Republic Police's (ZRP) anti-riot officers Saturday besieged Kuwadzana community hall, thwarting a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and residents interface after getting ‘false intelligence' that party president Nelson Chamisa would be in attendance.

Baton stick wielding officers sealed the hall entrance, and chased tens who had turned out for the event, among them the elderly.

According to a source that spoke to on condition of anonymity, the police got wind that CCC leaders would attend the event and then cancelled a clearance to hold the event on the eleventh hour.

They went on to threaten municipal workers and ordered them not to entertain opposition supporters that sought entry.

CCC secretary general Chalton Hwende, Harare mayor Jacob Mafume and councillor Jason Kautsa were scheduled to address residents in the opposition stronghold.

The interface was a first since Charlton Hwende bounced back into parliament after re-election in the March 26 bye-election after ouster by the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-Alliance.

"There was an application that was sent to the police to clear the event which was granted and later cancelled Friday evening. Police cancelled the engagement verbally citing key party leaders would attend the event," said our source.

"An event cannot be cancelled because those key leaders are residents of Kuwadzana, Hwende is the member of parliament (MP), president Nelson Chamisa is a registered voter of Kuwadzana. It is just a frivolous excuse to suppress the CCC party." is reliably informed Nelson Chamisa was at that particular time in Chipinge on a rural mobilisation exercise.

Meanwhile, addressing the CCC supporters after an hour long conversation with the police Hwende said the act was another assault on the CCC which has had more banned across the country.

The CCC recently had a Glen Norah rally barred under unclear circumstances.

"They came and arrested our people. After the elections we made three applications requesting for permission to come thank the people who elected us," said Hwende.

"Three different applications have been turned down. Today we came with a proper feedback meeting, properly applied for with notices required in terms of the law given but as you can see, we have been stopped," said Hwende.

"They are treating us as banned but I am not sure they can successfully stop an MP and elected councillor from meeting residents.

"We will be speaking to government officials that are responsible for this kind of behaviour.

"The councillor had successfully managed to bring all top officials from council to answer queries in the community.

"Going forward we will just continue without approval because we apply, and they continue turning us down; we cannot fail to meet residents."

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Chamisa, #Fake, #INtel