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Mwazha's church set to hold massive pilgrimage

by Staff reporter
07 Aug 2022 at 03:45hrs | Views
The African Apostolic Church (AAC), popularly known as Vapostora veAfrica, and led by Archbishop Ernest Paul Mwazha is set to hold its biggest yearly conference, putting aside leadership squabbles that were threatening to rip apart one of Zimbabwe's biggest churches.

A source told the event is pencilled for Ndarikure, near Chaka Business Centre in Chirumanzu district, Midlands province.

"It will be an annual Holy Communion gathering that will run from 12 to 14 August 2022," said Bishop P Mahlangu, the AAC Midlands head.

The event follows explosive leadership wrangles which spilt to the courts.

"A massive crowd is expected, with hundreds of thousands congregants set to attend. The event will be held during the national school holidays. Also, it comes against the backdrop of the High Court having settled a leadership dispute that had threatened to rip the church apart.

"A break-away faction led by Mutumwa Ernest Paul Mwazha's son, Alfred Kushamisa Mwazha fought hard to wrestle the leadership. The moves were stopped in a High Court ruling delivered on June 27, 2022 by Judge
Justice David Mangota," he said.

Mahlangu said the judgement has since brought clarity to ordinary congregants who could have been in confusion as to which direction to follow due to the dispute.

"The church invites all persons from all walks of life to visit and attend its church service sessions which will be held in the morning, afternoon and evenings. This is in line with the instruction in the word of God," he said.

Source - NewZimbabwe