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Imbiber bashes friend over missing US$100

by Simbarashe Sithole
13 Aug 2022 at 14:25hrs | Views
Beer drink ended in tears after a Mudzi man severely bashed his friend accusing him of stealing his US$100 note.

Tellmore Chatsakama of Chakatsama village Mudzi was arrested and dragged to court last week on assault charge.

He pleaded guilty to the charge before Mutoko magistrate Rumbidzai Mhandu

The court heard that on June 24  Chakatsama was drinking beer with his friend Wirimai Tsingano at Rwamba Business Centre in Mudzi.

Hell broke loose when Chakatsama lost his $100 note and accused his drinking mate of stealing it from him.

He picked a stone and struck Tsingano on the head, tipped him down, struck him with a wooden log before assaulting him with open hands.

He stopped assaulting him when the complainant lost consciousness.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Mudzi, #Beer, #Bashed