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Wadyajena arrested

by Staff reporter
16 Aug 2022 at 19:13hrs | Views
ZANU PF legislator for Gokwe-Nembudziya Mayor Wadyajena has been arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC), NewZimbabwe reported.

He was still detained at ZACC's Newlands office by time of publishing, shortly after chairing a heated agriculture parliamentary committee meeting on construction of Vungu dam in Midlands province.

ZACC spokesperson John Makamure was not picking up calls.

Wadyajena is reportedly facing multiple counts of abuse of office after looting presidential input scheme inputs meant for cotton farmers in his constituency.

He was ordered to present himself at Newlands soon after chairing an agriculture parliamentary committee meeting Tuesday.

More to follow.....

Source - NewZimbabwe