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Violent ZANU PF DCC chair suspended

by Simbarashe Sithole
09 Sep 2022 at 10:25hrs | Views
Zanu PF Buhera District Coordinating Committe(DCC) Chairman Cosmore Chimombe has been suspended on allegations of failing to discharge his duties  and responsibilities which culminated in violence that saw the politburo decision to have District restructuring elections in Buhera North Constituency coming unstuck.

The suspension  letter gleaned by this publication reads:

"This letter serves to inform you that you are hereby suspended from your position as Buhera District Coordinating Committe Chairman with immediate effect from this day Monday 5 September 2022 until further notice.

"You are hereby suspended in terms of Zanu PF Constitution Article 28(e)"Failure to discharge functions and responsibilities.." arising from the incident of violence which prevented the restructuring of Chimombe East, Chimvuri and Chirewa Party Districts in Buhera North Constituency on Saturday 27 August 2022."

The suspended Chairman reportedly rose to become the DCC Chairman after serving as Acting headman thereafter allegedly imposed himself to become Youth Chairperson for Chimombe East. When the DCC was introduced, Chimombe was reportedly seconded to become Chair of the District in a sham election that saw him losing dismally in his own district, ward and constituency-Buhera North.

Meanwhile, in the interim, Buhera District Coordinating Committe Vice Chairman Chamunorwa Mudzimu shall be the Acting DCC Chairman.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Violent, #ZANU_PF, #DCC