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Guruve hotel honours Scribe

by Paul Ndou
24 Sep 2022 at 07:35hrs | Views
Guruve based businesswoman Monica "Mai Mabhena" Chikanda and Guruve hotel proprietor has honoured freelance journalist Simbarashe Sithole by throwing a birthday bashment at her hotel on Sartuday.

The music promoter (Mai Mabhena) has lined up a number of Mashonaland Central musicians to perform at the bashment.

Guruve arts Marimba ensemble frontman Jah Lemmy will be the guest artiste supported by rising Sungura artistes Tryson Pamire and Elvis Butau.

Up and coming Reggae musician mudhara Bhonzo will also perform at the event.

Mai Mabhena said Sithole was playing a pivotal role in journalism and as a way of giving back she saw it proper to throw a party.

"We are glad to have a big journalist in our province (Mash Central) and as a way of appreciating his role in shaping societies we are throwing a bashment for him," Mai Mabhena said.

Other journalists in the province from both electronic and print media are expected to grace the occasion.

Source - Byo24News