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Zanu-PF Politburo 'shefs' face challenge from minnows in party elections

by Staff reporter
02 Oct 2022 at 04:03hrs | Views
Zanu-PF National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha says everyone vying for the party's Central Committee (CC) positions will be contested in the upcoming elections, including high-ranking Politburo members.

Addressing the media Friday, Bimha said party members who meet the criteria set by the party, will participate in the CC polls to be held on dates yet to be announced.

The ruling party held its internal elections of wings, the Main Wing, Women's and Youth Leagues, as well as the newly introduced Zanu-PF Veterans of the Liberation Struggle League (ZVLSL) recently.

The impending plebiscites will be the last amongst the internal elections which will be followed by the national Congress to endorse the 2023 presidential candidate.

"I wanted to give an update on the processes so far regarding the CC elections. Processes started with the provinces and all CVs were accepted at provincial level and subsequently forwarded to the national security department for vetting," said Bimha.

"Everybody who meets the criteria has the right to participate in the forthcoming CC elections. There is no way we are saying so and so cannot be contested.

"The President, His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa has stressed that there are no sacred cows. Everybody can be contested. I will be going for elections and so is everybody," Bimha said.

"Those Politburo members who might not be going for elections, it will be just by luck that there are no takers … that is the democracy we want. That is what Zanu-PF is all about. We must practice democracy. There are no sacred cows."

It has emerged that ambitious young turks within the former revolutionary party were angling to wrestle positions from the old horses inorder to land in the powerful organ.

During the Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meetings held countrywide, suggestions were made that Politburo members should not be contested as a sign of respect.

Bimha warned candidates against vote buying.

"I just want to warn those who are practicing vote buying that where we have evidence of vote buying people, those implicated in vote buying will be disqualified. We are now making sure that we are putting our ducks on the row."

The CC is the highest decision making body of the ruling Zanu-PF party outside Congress. It is from where Politburo members are selected from by the President and First Secretary of the party.

Each and every Politburo member is a CC member in the party. Those who qualify for the coveted committee will be thoroughly scrutinised before elections.

Source - NewZimbabwe