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Kombi flies off Luveve Road, into Pre-school

by Staff reporter
04 Oct 2022 at 22:14hrs | Views
A COMMUTER omnibus driver lost control of his car, almost ran over a pedestrian and crashed into a tree inside Kidznet Pre-school in Bulawayo's Mzilikazi suburb this morning.

The kombi veered off the road in Mzilikazi suburb and crashed into a tree inside KidzNet preschool.

Witnesses told the Chronicle the driver failed to stop at the Nguboyenja flyover along Luveve Road and careened off the road, sending pedestrians scurrying for cover, at around 740am.

Onlookers said it was a miracle that no one was injured.

A heavily pregnant woman who was in the kombi was rushed to hospital with undisclosed complications.

The vehicle flew from the higher ground on the slope of the flyover in the city centre direction, destroyed a portion of the fence around the pre-school and came to rest against a tree inside the school.

Luckily, the children who had already arrived for lessons were in class.

Witness described a drama of near-misses and heart stopping moments.

"One pedestrian was in the direct path of the kombi and it appeared as if there was no way she could get out of the way in time," said a witness who declined to be named.

"The driver veered sharply to the right, narrowly missing the pedestrian who was flat-footed and flew off the road. Passengers screamed in terror and there were loud hooters as other motorists warned road users. We heard a scary crash as the kombi hit a tree and we prayed that it had not run over a kid at the pre-school," said the witness.

When the news crew arrived at the scene, the pedestrian who was almost run over by the kombi was sitting by the roadside and appeared dazed.

She was breathing heavily and shock was written all over her face.

She could not speak.

A parent who only be identified herself as Mrs Tshuma said she was dropping off her child at the pre-school when she saw the horrific accident.

"I am glad the children were inside the pre-school because they could have been hurt had they been outside. I wish drivers would use the proper bus stops because this one is not even designated," she said.

A vendor, Mr Sialas Dube, who witnessed the accident said passengers broke windows to get out of the car because the door was stuck.

"Panicky passengers got out of the car after smashing windows. My heart goes out to the pregnant woman. She is obviously in pain as you can see her," he said.

"This area has always been a black spot. Drivers should take extra caution here," he added.

An ambulance and the police arrived at the scene of the accident a few minutes after it occurred.

Bulawayo Police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Abedinico Ncube said a report on the incident was yet to reach his office.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Kombi, #School, #Flie