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Mutsvangwa wants all political parties to get fair coverage

by Staff reporter
10 Oct 2022 at 18:21hrs | Views
MEDIA houses should provide equal coverage to all political parties in line with the Second Republic's mantra of leaving no one behind, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa has said.

Addressing multi-stakeholders including political parties and media personnel from various media organisations during a Media and Elections Reporting Workshop here in Kadoma this morning, Minister Mutsvangwa said the media had a paramount duty of disseminating information to the public.

She said the Government's policy is for the media, particularly state media to communicate information regardless of political affiliation adding that a media blackout on political parties is an editor's decision.

The media was challenged to communicate information that was not divisive but that which promotes peace and tolerance.

Citizens for Coalition Change (CCC) secretary general, Mr Charlton Hwende implored the media to report fairly.

In his remarks, Zanu-PF's Information and Publicity Secretary, Christopher Mutsvangwa said the revolutionary party was advocating for peaceful polls during the 2023 harmonised elections.

MDC Alliance's Paulina Mupariwa requested for a media that would report freely and professionally.

The workshop organised by Zimbabwe Institute is open to political parties that have representatives in parliament.

Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Mary Mliswa-Chikoka and Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Deputy Minister, Kindness Paradza are also in attendance.

Source - The Herald