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Zanu-PF distances self from plot to 'fire' Victoria Falls town clerk

by Staff reporter
10 Oct 2022 at 19:38hrs | Views
Zanu-PF leadership in Hwange has distanced itself from a group of war veterans that collaborated with the Hwange District Residents Association to kick Victoria Falls City Town Clerk Ronnie Dube from office.

On Monday, a group of war veterans and members of the Hwange District Residents Association stormed the council offices claiming to be representing people and targeting to fight corruption.

With the help of mayor Somveli Dlamini, they literally manhandled Dube and forced him out of office saying he was not supposed to be in office since Dlamini had suspended him in September.

Dlamini suspended Dube on September 8 accusing him of a number of charges including failure to execute duty and corruption but the suspension was rejected by other councillors who said it was illegal.

Dlamini vowed to go ahead with the suspension and orchestrated the coming in of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate Dube.

ZACC was in the city when the war veterans and HDRA members locked out Dube claiming they wanted to prevent tampering with evidence but their actions were short-lived as security details ordered them to reopen the office.

On Thursday Dlamini was arrested by the same ZACC team he invited and appeared in court on Friday where he was remanded in custody to Monday for bail ruling.

In a statement, Zanu-PF Hwange District Development Coordinating Committee chair Mathew Muleya said the party was not aware of the mission.

"Following an incident on the 3rd of October 2022 at Victoria Falls City Council offices where a group of people forcibly removed the town clerk, Ronnie Dube from his office and locked the doors under the guise of representing certain wings of the party.

"The party, Zanu-PF would like to distance itself from the incident. We are a party that is guided by its constitution and if there are any disputes, the revolutionary party follows proper channels that respect the rule of law in line with the party's ethos," said Muleya.

He said those who participated acted in their individual capacities and were not sanctioned by the party to carry out such operation.

"The Hwange administrative district as represented by the District Coordinating Committee wishes to make it categorically clear that the party did not participate in the event and that if there are any consequences that arise from this event, such shall not be borne by the party but by the individuals who resorted to such acts," said Muleya.

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More on: #Zanu-PF, #Plot, #Clerk