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Mnangagwa says he is ready to support teachers

by Staff reporter
20 Oct 2022 at 00:56hrs | Views
THE Government is ever ready to support teachers through programmes and activities that capacitate them on both national and international levels, platforms from which they can unleash their full potential to propel the country's industrialisation and modernisation, President Mnangagwa has said.

Addressing thousands of teachers drawn from the country's 10 provinces at the launch of the Teachers for Economic Development held at the Harare International Conference Centre, in the capital yesterday, the President showered praises on educators for being patriotic and relating to the revolutionary ethos that anchor the nation-state Zimbabwe.

Teachers, who are the primary repositories of knowledge for children, are key to the country's Vision to become an upper-middle-class economy by 2030, and through dispensing the Heritage Based Education 5.0 model they act as accelerants to the implementation of the National Development Strategy.

Thus their coming on board is another stepping stone in the building towards attaining the country's strategic goals, including the Sustainable Development Goal Number 4, that focuses on inclusive and equitable quality education.

Under Education 5.0, Zimbabwe's State universities have become outcomes-focussed and tailored, through innovative and industrial hubs that were created by President Mnangagwa, for problem-solving and value-creation

It is in this regard, that teachers, long perceived to be anti-Government have now come to the party, underscoring their commitment to helping the nation achieve its goal through provision of quality education and starting businesses.

"We are all Zimbabweans. As individuals and a collective under the umbrella banner of Teachers for Economic Development, you are a critical front in the defence of our independence, sovereignty and unique national identity and character. To this end, the integration of programmes and activities to capacitate your membership on both national and global developments must be scaled up. My Government and our party Zanu-PF, are ready to support you," said the President.

In his address, off the cuff, the President expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the plus 6 000 teachers who have committed themselves to putting shoulder to the wheel in line with his vision of developing Zimbabwe.

"When I heard that they were teachers for ED, I wasn't convinced, when the Zanu-PF Secretary for Finance Patrick Chinamasa asked if we could support the teachers, I did not believe him, but they kept on coming. I told your leadership earlier that I will never forget this day, this is one of the most pleasing surprises I have had in my career and I am so inspired that our people, the people of Zimbabwe, despite their callings and careers we find patriotic persons across the board. Please take this to heart, I am saying from the bottom of my heart, that I am happy with you," the President said.

The President said teachers, who have produced brilliant students who continue to lift the country's flag high through coming tops in international competitions must strike a balance between educating the nation, which is a national calling and economic enterprises that improve their welfare.

The teachers, who vowed to be proactive through coming up with their own enterprises for wealth creation responded with adulation, proving naysayers, who have oft hijacked the teaching profession, wrong.

Thus, the President said Teachers for Economic Development rejuvenate the long-standing relationship that has always existed between teachers and the revolutionary party Zanu-PF.

"Informed by this relationship, our Zanu-PF party must remain closely connected with the education sector and the teaching fraternity immersed in the party. We must never again allow any challenges or differences we may face as a people, to separate these two institutions.

The President added that teachers should never allow themselves to be used by the country's detractors in their divisive and subversive activities, as has been the case with a few lost unionists and unions.

"As the teaching fraternity, never allow yourselves to be used as tools by our country's detractors in their divisive and subversive activities. Always remain patriotic and loyal to our country. Members of your organisation and sector must unleash their full potential and entrepreneurial skills, by establishing entities and products that broaden and complement our education ecosystem."

The inclusion of teachers in the country's broader development follows President Mnangagwa's philosophy "Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo; ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo," brick by brick, stone upon stone.

Leaving no one and no place behind, the President added that teachers, as they pursue their businesses, should not compromise on the quality of education, training and mentorship.

"I recognise and applaud you, our teachers, for inspiring students and communities as you discharge your duties throughout the country. Through you, the education sector continues to churn out young talented boys and girls as well as graduates, whose competencies and entrepreneurial skills are driving the production of more ‘Made in Zimbabwe' goods and services," said the President.

He also challenged teachers to develop programmes and projects that meaningfully contribute to development of solutions to lift many Zimbabweans out of poverty, as drivers that ensure both present and future generations acquire relevant education, that will help in the modernisition of Zimbabwe and sustainable socio-economic development.

Vice President Chiwenga, Defence and War Veterans Minister Hon Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Dr Evelyn Ndlovu, Politburo members, and senior Government officials attended the launch.

Source - The Herald