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Bosso's Silla raring to go

by Staff reporter
21 Oct 2022 at 06:04hrs | Views
HIGHLANDERS midfielder Adrian Silla is bouncing back after four weeks of inactivity over disciplinary issues and could be part of the team when the giants date Bulawayo Chiefs in a Castle Lager Premier Soccer League derby at Barbourfields Stadium on Sunday.

Silla's last game was against the same club last month when Highlanders were booted out of the Chibuku Super Cup when he came from the bench to replace Darlington Mukuli in the second half.

The midfielder is said to have been suspended by the club's management for playing truant at training, a decision which reportedly did not go down well with the members of the technical team.

Silla was part of Highlanders' Press conferences, together with head coach Baltemar Brito , assistant Antonio Torres as well as another midfielder Mason Mushore.

Silla said he is expecting to be part of the team on Sunday, drawing laughter and cheers from his two coaches.

"It has been hard times but issues can be fixed and everything is now okay. I am trying and fighting at training, putting all the effort. I am not expecting to start but I am expecting to play in this coming game. The ‘old' Silla is bouncing back," Silla said.

Highlanders are fighting for a top-four finish in the last four games, sitting on position five, just a point behind Ngezi Platinum Stars.

They lost to FC Platinum and drew with Chicken Inn in their two games at BF.

Coach Brito said the break to allow for the Chibuku Super Cup semi-finals played last weekend at Mandava, was a blessing in disguise for his team.

"The break was good because we are going to the end of the season. The players were already fatigued. We decided to give the players three days off to be with their families and recover from the fatigue, to be fresh for these upcoming games. It was our decision and we think we did well because the boys came in this week and trained well and they are motivated; so we are in a good mood for the next match," Brito said.

Meanwhile, the Highlanders leadership, which was on tour in Europe, visiting a number of clubs, are back in the country.

"We are back. We jetted in on Tuesday in Harare and we flew to our final destination Bulawayo on Wednesday morning," club secretary-general Morgen Dube said.

Dube travelled to Europe with executive chairman Johnfat Sibanda, board chairman Luke Mnkandla and club treasurer Busani Mthombeni.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe