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Chamisa's councillors apply for joinder in mayoral election case

by Staff reporter
28 Oct 2022 at 01:25hrs | Views
THREE Chitungwiza councillors belonging to the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) have applied for a joinder in a case where Zanu-PF councillor Reginald Mashingaidze is seeking to block the holding of mayoral elections.

Peter Matiringe and Chengetai Nyagondo (who are suspended) and councillor Question Dingo want to be included in the proceedings.

"The application filed by first respondent (Mashingaidze) directly affects the rights of the applicants as elected councillors who are authorised to elect a substantive mayor when a vacancy arises. The meeting and election of the mayor was lawfully done in terms of Part Four of the Urban Councils Act," the applicants, who are represented by Messrs Scanlen & Holderness, submitted.

"It's necessary that the applicants be part of the proceedings under case HC6612/22 to ensure the effective determination to be added as party to the proceedings."

Chitungwiza has not had a substantive mayor for seven months following the recall of Lovemore Maiko by the Douglas Mwonzora-led MDC-Alliance in March.

Several attempts to hold elections have hit a snag.

On October 10, six councillors were suspended by the Local Government ministry for convening an alleged illegal meeting that reinstated Maiko.

Mashingaidze, who is being represented by Lovemore Madhuku cited the Local Government ministry, Chitungwiza Municipality and acting mayor Kiven Mutimbanyoka as respondents in his High Court application seeking to block mayoral elections.

He argues that since councillors failed to elect a mayor within a month of the vacancy arising, they no longer had legal powers to do so and, therefore, Mutimbanyoka is entitled to remain in that position.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe