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Musanhi popularity surges

by Simbarashe Sithole
10 Nov 2022 at 11:27hrs | Views
Mashonaland Central Zanu PF Central Committee member Kenneth Musanhi is set to assert himself as the provincial ruling party godfather in the province after edging Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe in popularity.

The recently held central committee elections proved Musanhi's growing influence in the provinces where three posts out of the influential four were grabbed by people he was backing.

Only one person backed by Kazembe made won.

The three, Tsitsi Gezi, women's league, Emmerson Raradza, for the youth league and Martin Kwainona were backed by Musanhi while only Tsungi Makombe, backed by Kazembe managed to pull through to the national youth executive.

"We had the late Cde Parrence Shiri as our godfather, now we have Musanhi, he is one of the most senior persons in the province," one provincial executive member said on condition of anonymity.

In October 2019 Musanhi and Kazembe nearly traded blows in front of the First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa while accusing each other of sabortaging Mnangagwa's family fun day in Bindura after a poor attendance.

Source - Byo24News