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Hooker bashed for refusing US$2 romp

by Staff reporter
13 Nov 2022 at 12:30hrs | Views
A KARIBA commercial sex worker was heavily assaulted by four youths for refusing to entertain one of them in exchange for a US$2 fee.

Gladys Mudubiwa (33) was left nursing a bloodied left eye, among other bodily injuries, after she was bashed with an empty beer bottle, fists and booted feet.

The quartet of Hilary Chigonamombe (21), McMillan Nyahobwe (22), Oscar McKenzie (27) and Tafadzwa Madzima (30) recently appeared before Kariba Magistrate, Tapiwa Banda, facing assault charges.

The four were remanded out of custody on free bail to November 15 for routine remand.

The State case, led by Carren Modina Musiwa, is that on November 6, 2022 at ZV Hotel in Kariba, complainant was drinking beer when she was approached by Chigonamombe, who asked for transactional sex for a US$2 payment.

She rejected the offer, and this didn't go down well with Chigonamombe, who poured beer all over her body.

As if that was not enough, Chigonamombe struck the complainant on the left eye with an empty beer bottle, resulting in an injury.

It was further heard, Nyahobwe, McKenzie and Madzima joined in assaulting the sex worker using fists and boots until she fell unconscious.

Victim was rushed to Nyamhunga Clinic by well-wishers, but the gang of youths followed and continued to beat her as she lay on the bed.

Shocked clinic authorities called the police, leading to the arrest of the suspects.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Hooker, #Romp, #Killed