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39 students arrested at a 'sex' party

by Staff reporter
19 Nov 2022 at 12:06hrs | Views
THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Friday arrested 39 students from various schools in Bulawayo after raiding a Vuzu party in Khumalo Suburb.

Vuzu parties are popular secretive indoor gatherings, mostly held by teenagers, where they will be drinking beer, doing drugs and having casual sex.

In a statement posted on twitter, ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they recovered some used and unused condoms, beer and cigarettes at the scene.

Investigations are still ongoing and more information will be shared.

"The ZRP confirms the arrest of 39 students from various schools in Bulawayo at a certain house in Khumalo Suburb on 18 November 2022 while conducting a Vuzu party.

"Some whisky, cigarette stubs, used and unused condoms were recovered at the scene. Investigations are underway for more information to be revealed," said Nyathi.

Vuzu parties are mainly held during weekends, where mostly children with parents in the diaspora offer their parents' houses as venues.

In some cases, older men allegedly often sponsor the parties or offer venues so they can take advantage of young females.

In February 2021, police also arrested 10 people who were hosting a Vuzu in Emganwini Suburb in Bulawayo.

Again, in October last year, 16 people were arrested in Kuwadzana, Harare on public nuisance charges after they held a sex party.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Vuzu, #Party, #Sex