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Zanu-PF rues time wasted on factional fights than voter registration

by Staff reporter
20 Nov 2022 at 15:42hrs | Views
Zanu-PF Masvingo province is in panic mode over low voter registration in its rural strongholds and is now making frantic efforts to make up for lost ground as the 2023 harmonized elections beckon.

This came out during a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) and joint council meeting held at Masvingo Polytechnic on November 09.

Addressing PEC members, Zanu-PF Provincial Chairperson Robson Mavhenyengwa said the province wasted a lot of time and energy on factional fights instead of mobilizing people to register to vote.

"We want unity in all our wings, women's league chair: all the people are yours, the same applies to youth and war veterans. What we want is unity of purpose when you do your meetings, we don't want you to select others and leave others out.

"Even us, we need to remain united, you see we almost lost some constituencies in the province because we did not register more people. We wasted all our energy in fighting while other provinces were registering people. As it stands, here in Masvingo Urban, more people were registered as compared to rural areas where we come from and you know what it means," said Mavhenyengwa.

He however went on to warn party members against using voter registration as a tool to campaign for posts and said they are only campaigning for the president and party.

"We are against people who go with other candidates in constituencies to fight the sitting MPs, let the MPs defend their territories and if they have failed let the people decide. We have a challenge where provincial members run with candidates," said Mavhenyengwa.

His warning comes at a time when he is alleged to be building his base pushing for new candidates allegedly from his faction especially in Zaka where he is said to be pushing for Davies Marapira to replace Davison Svuure in Zaka Central.

Mavhenyengwa went on to warn the sitting MPs not to relax and said they should work with all those who want development and avoid blocking those who want to do party business and other developments.

"We want unity in the province but at the same time respecting those with positions. I told you what a clever MP does, don't leave provincial and DCC members. In my case, I work with some who want to topple me like Chikomo here and my uncle Chipato. I call them every time I have a meeting," said Mavhenyengwa sarcastically.

The province had been having constant factional battles since late last year ahead of the Provincial Executive Council elections which were held in December 2021.

The province was divided between then vice chairperson Mavhenyengwa and then provincial chairperson and Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Ezra Chadzamira.

Mavhenyengwa, an ex-police officer and Zaka North MP is alleged to be aligned to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga's faction while Chadzamira is President Mnangagwa's loyalist.

Zaka District is likely to lose one constituency due to delimitation but the province will still remain with 26 constituencies.

Source - TellZim News