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Mzembi insists he is still a Zanu-PF member and promises 'surprises'

by Staff reporter
23 Nov 2022 at 05:04hrs | Views
SELF-exiled former Cabinet minister, Walter Mzembi, says he legally and technically remains a member of Zanu-PF.

The former G40 faction kingpin is among several former ruling party members, who have been touted to follow exiled former ministers, Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao in retracing footsteps back to Zanu-PF.

Moyo and Zhuwao recently issued a public apology to party members, signalling a possible reunion with the outfit they dumped in 2017 at the height of factional battles.

Mzembi said he is part of the Zanu-PF leadership despite the party electing new Central Committee and Politburo members at last month's elective Congress.

"Legally and technically, I am still a Zanu-PF Central Committee member, in party audits my cell location is Rupike township, Masvingo," he told

"I don't think my standing in the party is urgent business to them, they are focused on elections. It won't be anytime soon, l am busy with other things too."

After President Emmerson Mnangagwa takeover of power, and the subsequent loss of his Cabinet post, Mzembi faced charges of abusing State resources, before leaving the country.

He has been in exile together with former Cabinet member Saviour Kasukuwere and have become vocal Mnangagwa critics.

The former tourism minister said he never erred and only the ruling party can correct the anomaly as his dismissal was unconstitutional.

"I have never recognised my other comrades' expulsion, it was by all accounts an illegality, null and void to the extent that Zanu-PF did not follow due process or its own Constitution," he said.

"In its summary dismissal of party members, only made known to me under duress resulting in loss of office in both party and government, it is only Zanu-PF which can correct its illegality, not the victim."

Source - NewZimbabwe