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'Wadyajena extorts US$2 million from Kuda Tagwirei'

by Mandla Ndlovu
23 Nov 2022 at 16:42hrs | Views
Controversial Gokwe-Nembudziya Member of Parliament Mayor Justice Wadyajena has been fingered in a US$ 2 million extortion scam committed against business tycoon Kuda Tagwirei.

The information was leaked by Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa is a series of tweets on Wednesday.

Said Mliswa, "Wadyajena has been perfecting the practice of immoral vengeance against those whom he feels to have done him bad. It doesn't matter he is right or wrong. He simply abuses his position and power to undermine and destroy whoever he feels to be an enemy.  He did it with Musarara of GMAZ after he refused to give him business. He did it with Tagwirei after a business deal and extorted him of US$2 million. He allegedly blocked Tagwirei's Sakunda cars over some money and ultimately extorted him."

Mliswa further alleged that Wadyajena boasts that he is the hand behind the firing of the former Minister of State Security Owen Mudha Ncube.

"He actually boasted that he got former Minister Owen Mudha fired and Makamure was a small issue. Is that how legislators are supposed to behave and operate? He has poked people for too long such that something has to give some day.

"Currently, he runs the Agric Portfolio as a personal fiefdom and the legislators there are not even saying anything. There is a whole litany of issues. This whole thing about him being close to the President is rubbish. It's all empty name-dropping. It has to stop.

"There has got to be a standard of values, ethics and morals for a legislator. It's unbecoming to have a litany of such gross, corrupt and debasing acts as your resume when you are a legislator."

Source - Byo24News