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Mliswa scorns MPs4ED group

by Staff reporter
24 Nov 2022 at 05:01hrs | Views
INDEPENDENT Norton legislator, Temba Mliswa has blasted Zanu-PF Members of Parliament (MPs) under the MPsforED grouping, arguing some of them could be engaged in these ‘bootlicking' initiatives to hide their incapacities.

MPsforED is one of the many for Economic Development organisations that are mushrooming in ‘support' of President Emmerson Mnangagwa ahead of next year's general elections.

ED is also a moniker used to refer to Mnangagwa, being derived from his names; Emmerson and Dambudzo.

Posting on his Twitter account, Mliswa questioned how Zanu-PF legislators could come up with the MPs4ED project when he already led them as head of their party.

A video of the legislators heaping praises on Mnangagwa has been doing the rounds on social media.

"Can someone make this make sense. MPs4ED! Who were you for in the first place then? Are you repenting from bhora musango? Seems like some of these guys just blindly follow things without thinking them through or considering if they even make sense," said Mliswa.

"ED is your leader by virtue of you being in Zanu-PF so what other special scheme do you need to project that position? You are already obligated to support his candidature; more so after the Congress where he was endorsed for 2023.

"These legislators should be worried about their welfare and not be dragged into meaningless enterprises. It makes us question your personal capacity and value in the party for many indulge in such empty bootlicking to hide their hollowness."

Most of the 4ED organisations, which include MenBelievED, Teachers4ED, Councillors4ED, have received massive financial support, with their leaders getting top of the range vehicles to use in their yet to be ascertained agenda.

Other groupings have also cropped up; Journalists4ED being one of those that divided opinion within the media fraternity.

Mliswa once described these organisations as cancerous parallel structures.

Said Mliswa: "I remain surprised at how the ruling party is celebrating having parallel structures under the guise of a thriving and growing base. These ‘4ED' outfits should worry every well-meaning Zanu-PF supporter.

"They are festering, cancerous wounds, allowed on they will be fatal. In their bare essence, they are replicating already existing main party structures. This can be a tacit accusation that National Commissar Bimha has and is failing to run the party. Why not just do, through the main party structures, what the outfits are doing?"

Source - NewZimbabwe