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Kembo Mohadi biography launch shelved

by Staff reporter
30 Nov 2022 at 00:00hrs | Views
The launch of Zanu-PF Second Secretary and Vice President Colonel (Retired) Kembo Mohadi's biography which was set for Friday at a Bulawayo hotel has been postponed by two weeks.

His personal assistant, Dr Clever Chirume confirmed the postponement through a press statement last night.
"Please be advised that Vice President KCD Mohadi's biography Resilience and Fortitude launch which was scheduled to be launched on the 2nd of December 2022 at Holiday Inn Bulawayo has been postponed by a further two weeks at a date to be announced. The launch will still be in Bulawayo," said Dr Chirume.

The biography, titled Resilience and Fortitude: A KEMBO CAMPBELL DUGISH MOHADI STORY was authored by Mr Musa Bhunu and published by Century Press while the editing was done by Shadreck Nembaware of Chinhoyi University of Technology with the whole project being carried out between 2018 and 2020.

" This narrative is a super-charged pendulum that swings the reader through a gallery of profound experiences. Though not naively capitulating to the binarisms of colonial discourses, the book rewardingly opens access to verifiable historical milestones which thankfully fill the missing gaps for purpose-driven readership.

The autobiography finds its anchor on the broader geo-spatial and political coordinates which shaped events in the epochal years that thrust Kembo Mohadi into the deep end of the liberation movement. As such, the reader unaffectedly identifies their space in the plot of a narrative that is as personal as it is also collective," wrote the biography's editor Mr Nembaware in his note.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Mohadi, #Bio, #Launch