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Walter Mzembi praises new ZANU PF Politburo appointments

by Mandla Ndlovu
23 Dec 2022 at 20:00hrs | Views
Exiledformer G40 Kingpin Walter Mzembi has showered praises on the new ZANU PF Politburo appointments announced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Friday.

Writing on miroblogging site Twitter Mzembi said the fusing of the old and new blood showed that the party was ready to win the 2023 elections.

Said Mzembi, "Zanu PF Election Politburo a blend of Old & New , a bridge of the past and present , some surprise inclusions of stones that the builder had cast away, infusion of raw energy setting the stage for a win at all costs going forward to 2023.

"Not that it's any of my business I find the split between Commissariat & Ideology and that of Economic Affairs & Economic Development, Disability & Elderly curiously reminiscent of Global Political Agreement split of Portfolios where everyone has to be in Whoever designed these Portfolios akapenga!"

Asked if the appointments was a guarantee of a ZANU PF win, Mzembi said, "It's a face value assessment it doesn't imply their chances, just team make up & formation, the Big Q & Challenge is how Opposition answers this with their own Team line ups which we will equally assess before the Big Match."

Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has been accused failing to hold a congress that will elect structures for his party CCC.

Source - Byo24News