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Mnangagwa's wife lands top post in Zanu-PF Politburo

by Staff reporter
26 Dec 2022 at 13:55hrs | Views
THE Politburo that was appointed by President Mnangagwa on Friday blends the old guard and youth and also catapults women to influential positions in the party.

This new team that will steer the party going forward has been described as an ‘A team' that will win next year's elections for the revolutionary party.

Headlining the list of women appointed into the Politburo is the indefatigable First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, whose philanthropic works have taken her to every corner of the country in a living testimony of development that leaves no one and no place behind.

The First Lady is the Secretary for Environment and Tourism.

Other women in the political bureau are Oppah Muchinguri who returns the powerful chairman post, while the Deputy Secretary for Information and Publicity post was given to Chido Sanyatwe.

Mable Chinomona returns her Secretary for Women Affairs post deputised by Judith Ncube.

It's an all female affair at the Economic Development and Empowerment portfolio where Sthembiso Nyoni, will be deputised by Otilia Maluleke.

Other women who have landed top posts in the Politburo are:

Deputy Secretary Bussiness Development Esther Nyati;

Deputy Secretary People Living with Disabilities Elina Shirichena;

Deputy Secretary Local Government and Devolution Monica Mavhunga;

Deputy Secretary Labour Jennifer Mhlanga;

Deputy Secretary Education, Ideology and Research Rebbeca Fanuel;

Deputy Secretary Health and Child Welfare and Elderly Irene Zindi.

Meanwhile, some of the newly appointed Politburo members include, Secretary Local Government and Devolution Super Mandiwanzira, Deputy Secretary Transport and Social Welfare James Makamba, Deputy Secretary Environment and Tourism Joshua Sacco, Deputy Secretary Finance Professor Mthuli Ncube, Deputy Secretary Legal Affairs Advocate Fortune Chasi and

Webster Shamu, who has served as the Party's Political Commissar was retained as deputy to Mike Bimha in the same department.

Source - The Herald