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PHOTO: Tongogara and Mujuru daughters meet

by Mandla Ndlovu
27 Dec 2022 at 21:38hrs | Views
A rare photo of Maidei Mujuru daughter to the late General Mujuru and Nyaradzo Rahz Tongogara Hamphill daughter to the late General TJosiah Magama Tongogara has gone viral on the internet after being posted by ZANU PF Secretary for Security Tendai Chirau on Twitter.

The daughters of the two late national heroes converged at the National Heroes Acre to commemorate the 43rd anniversary of Tongogara's death.

Chirau posted on Twitter that, "With Cdes Maidei Mujuru daughter to the late General Mujuru and Nyaradzo Rahz Tongogara Hamphill daughter to the late General Tongogara.Josiah Magama Tongogara commemorations."

Tongogara, the Zanla chief of defence and overall commander, died in a mysterious car accident travelling from Mozambique back home to enjoy fruits of his labour.

Source - Byo24News