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5 suspects arrested for a series of armed robberies

by Mzingaye Nxumalo
06 Jan 2023 at 13:26hrs | Views
The Zimbabwean Republic Police have confirmed arrests of five men in connection with 14 robbery cases which occurred around the country from January 2021 to the 2nd of January 2023.

The five men are Courage Takunda Dumba also called Toki (35), Robson Mhandu (28), Thulani Munetsi(42), Tichaona Kariwa (35) however now late and Zondai Previous Ngarandi(25).

Yesterday evening ZRP released a detailed press statement which reads:

"The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of Courage Takunda Dumba alias Toki (35), Robson Mhandu (28), Thulani Munetsi (42), Tichaona Kariwa (35) (now late) and Zondai Previous Ngarandi (25) in connection with 14 armed robbery cases which occurred between January 2021 and 2nd January 2023 in Nyazura, Odzi, Goromonzi, Bindura, Glendale, Marondera, Chegutu and Harare where US$ 130 848-00 cash, 21 cellphones, various firearms, motor vehicles and other valuables were stolen at residential, mining and industrial premises.

"On 04th January 2023, detectives from CID Homicide, Harare received information that Tichaona Kariwa (35) and Courage Takunda Dumba were linked to a spate of robbery cases that occurred across the country and were staying at a hideout in Melfort, Goromonzi. The detectives acted on the received information leading to the arrest of the two suspects.

"The arrest led to the recovery of a Honda Fit vehicle, registration number AFM 4148 which had been stolen in Marondera on 02nd January 2023, 0.22 Mark IV revolver, 0.22 Astra pistol 9mm Star pistol, 9mm Feg pistol, 9mm Retay pistol, 303 rifle with a magazine of 3 rounds, 3 duvets, 4 x 35 watts LED flood lights, 0.5 Horse Power booster pump and a leather jacket."

Detectives later arrested Robson Mhandu and Thulani Munetsi, after a shootout, in Belvedere when the duo had contacted Courage Dumba and Tichaona Kariwa to come to OK Marimba business complex where they allegedly wanted to strategize on their next planned robbery which was to be conducted on the same day.

Tichaona Kariwa who was in police vehicle attempted to escape and was shot in the hip leading to his re-arrest while Robson Mhandu was shot in the thigh after a shootout with the detectives.

The injured suspects were referred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where Tichaona Kariwa died upon admission.

Zondai Previous Ngirandi was arrested by CID detectives in Marondera and was found with gunshot wounds on the abdomen and thigh after escaping from the Melfort shooting incident.

The suspects were linked to 14 cases of armed robbery including the one in which US$ 5000-00 cash, two cellphones and a Toyota Hilux Legend 45 vehicle, registration number AFS 2704 were stolen from the complainant in Damafalls, Harare on 13th July 2022 and the other one where the suspects pounced at Energy Service Station, Chegutu where US$ 15 246-00 was taken on 03rd August 2022.

The suspects are also linked to the robbery case which occurred at Mutangadura Business Centre, Goromonzi where US$13 000-00 cash, three cellphones and a laptop were stolen on 2nd October 2022.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police is appealing for information that may lead to the arrest of the outstanding suspect, only known as Medicine.

Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station, WhatsApp 0712800197 or contact the National Complaints Desk on 0242 703631."

Source - Byo24News
More on: #ZRP, #Arrested, #Robbery