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e-Gov drive goes up

by Staff Reporter
12 Jan 2023 at 08:11hrs | Views
The Ministry of Information, Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services through Potraz has donated 160 computers to the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as the e-Government flagship drive goes up.

This programme will see Government providing online services conveniently through the use of ICTs, by bringing Government services closer to the people as well as improving communication between Government and citizens, reduce Government operating expenses and be more transparent and accountable in the manner services are delivered.

The Labour and Social Welfare Ministry plans to use the computers for their electronic case management system, labour market information system, registration and placement system and for the creation of an electronic retrenchee database.

The computers will also be used to improve on inspections and dispute resolution among other functions by the Ministry.

Speaking at the handover ceremony in Harare yesterday, Minister for ICTs Dr Jenfan Muswere said the new computers would enhance Government's ability to provide services to its citizens and stakeholders.

"This first phase in terms of 160 computers that we are going to handover to the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social welfare will ensure that the first phase of the paperless Government within the Ministry becomes a reality," he said. "The key components of the e-government starts with the g2c which allows Government to interact with citizens and it also focuses on the g2e which allows Government to interact with its employers and it also focuses on g2p which allows Government to interact with the private sector and business community.

"It also includes the g2g which allows Government to interact with other Ministries department and agencies digitally by using information communication and technology," he said.

As Zimbabwe journeys towards a digital economy, Minister Muswere said the digital revolution will flush out ghost workers.

"The issue of ghost workers is coming to an end. These machines will pick such shenanigans and this is the first phase and we are coming again starting with the district offices to provincial to the headquarters."

Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Lovemore Matuke thanked the Ministry of ICT for timely intervention.

"This donation has come in handy at a critical time when there is need to enhance and widen the spectrum of Government services offered online.

"Zimbabwe, like all other countries globally has been awakened to the need to use digital platforms in offering its services by the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic that necessitated the introduction of lockdown measures to contain the pandemic.

"It is important to note that most of our services in the Ministry are still paper-based in this era of digital revolution and this is caused by the lack of the proper tools of trade among them computers and internet connectivity," he said.

As a social service provider, Mr Matuke said it was imperative for the Ministry's services to be digitalized in order to achieve Vision 2030.

"The web-based online services will increase ease of access to Ministry services thereby enhancing and simplifying service delivery.

"This donation will therefore go a long way in equipping all the Provincial and District offices in preparation for the deployment of the e-services solutions in the first quarter of 2023."

The digitalisation thrust is outlined in the NDS1 which identifies ICTs as one of the key enablers in achieving Vision 2030.

Potraz director general Dr Gift Machengete said: "ICTs are at the centre of most of these technological advancements and as a nation, it is paramount that we change our systems in line with the changing times — it is important that we keep up with the transforming world. We should not be left behind lest we are left behind economically and socially in the new world order.

"This is why, as an authority we have heeded a request from the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare for computers to assist in the Ministry's transition from manual to electronic systems, as they move with the times."

Source - Herald