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Musanhi leaks own chats with Susan Mutami

by Paul Ndou
17 Jan 2023 at 14:34hrs | Views
ZANU PF Politburo member Kenneth Musanhi allegedly leaked his own chats with controversial socialite Susan Mutami.

Musanhi who is Zanu PF Mashonaland Central province most senior politburo member was once fingered in Mutami's sex scandals.

The sultry socialite became prominent late last year when she recorded a four-hour-long Twitter audio chronicling her sexcapades with Zanu PF top brass including Musanhi.

Through his buddie line Musanhi leaked the chats that this publication is in possession of.

Contacted for comment Musanhi did not pick his calls up to the time of this writing

Source - Byo24News