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Chamisa says politicians behind police brutality

by Staff reporter
19 Jan 2023 at 07:32hrs | Views
Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday said securocrats in the country were being used by politicians to clamp down on civilians ahead of polls expected later this year.

Responding to concerns raised on Twitter by one of his supporters identified as Thomas Ray Matiza, who suggested that if CCC wins this year's elections, police chiefs should be fired, Chamisa said blame should instead be apportioned on politicians who order police to clamp down on citizens.

"The problem is with politicians, not our patriotic men and women in uniform who are so loyal to Zimbabwe. We must fix this," Chamisa tweeted in response.

The remarks follow the arrest during the weekend of 25 CCC activists, including Mkoba MP Amos Chibaya and Budiriro MP Costa Machingauta for allegedly participating in a gathering to promote public violence.

When Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights member Kudzai Kadzere visited them for representation, he was reportedly beaten up by police who left him hospitalised.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi declined to comment.

"I am currently attending a senior officers meeting. I can't comment on what Chamisa has said," Nyathi said.

Political analyst Vivid Gwede said: "Police details work on commands which are issued by superiors who are usually politically connected, which is against the Police Charter and the Constitution.

"In this difficult economic environment, the dilemma that the juniors have is whether to disobey the orders and get fired, or obey the orders and keep their jobs. The problem is the flawed political system, hence the calls for politicians to respect the Constitution."

Another political analyst Maxwell Saungweme said politicians were the ones that order the security forces to commit atrocities on civilians.

"But those witty words from Chamisa signify political maturity, political repartee, and swordplay. It's an undeniable fact that the security forces are kingmakers in Zimbabwe," Saungweme said.

He said in this year's elections, and in order to wrest political power, it will be pivotal for the winner to garner support from the security sector.

Sydicks Muradzikwa, also a political analyst, said: "Chamisa is trying to correct and distance himself from his late predecessor (Morgan Tsvangirai)'s political attitude, which included blistering, scathing attacks on the country's security and service chiefs. He has learned from the mistakes of Tsvangirai who repeatedly attacked the security sector."

Muradzikwa said political transition after elections was crucial, and Chamisa was trying to mend relations with the once-threatened security service chiefs so that they welcome him to the seat of politics.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe