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Appointment of 81 year old Col Dube to NRZ board clarified

by Staff reporter
30 Jan 2023 at 02:10hrs | Views
THERE is nothing irregular about the appointment of former Cabinet Minister and freedom fighter Colonel (Retired) Tshinga Dube to the board of the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) since this was just a lateral transfer from the CMED board, Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister Felix Mhona said last week.

He had been a board member of CMED since 2018.

During a recent indaba held in Harare, Minister Mhona clarified the appointment of Dube.

"Tshinga Dube is a repository of knowledge and has been a board member. Nothing new and amiss on the appointment since it is a lateral transfer from CMED. He has been a board member of CMED since 2018 and nothing amiss on his lateral transfer to NRZ."

NRZ board chairperson Advocate Martin Dinha added: "We welcome the recent lateral transfer of Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube from CMED to the NRZ board as one of our board of directors.

"As chairman of the NRZ board of directors, I do not see anything amiss on the lateral transfer and appointment of Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube to the NRZ Board by Honourable Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development Hon FT Mhona as approved by the President."

Retired Col Dube has a wealth of experience, management skills, maturity, long and meritorious service record from which the NRZ will benefit immensely.

"NRZ is a critical national asset and a key economic enabler that is undergoing restructuring, recapitalisation and resuscitation.

"The turnaround of NRZ after years of decline due to many economic factors requires a blend of both young and seasoned directors and Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube adds great value to the human resource needs of the organisation," saud Adv Dinha.

Critics dwelling on his age were ignoring the fact that many directors in the private sector and key leaders in governments the world over were mature and experienced personalities who were performing exceptionally well.

"You cannot use age as a determinant of performance," Adv Dinha said.

Col (Rtd) Dube will serve for a three-year term ending in December 2025. He holds a Master's Degree in Electro-Tech from MADI Institute of Technology in Moscow.

Source - The Herald
More on: #NRZ, #Dube, #Board