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No to lip service, says Zanu PF

by Staff Reporter
31 Jan 2023 at 18:51hrs | Views
ZANU PF has warned its members against lip service support, saying the true meaning of a party supporter is one who is a registered voter and who will vote for President Mnangagwa in the forthcoming elections.

This comes as President Mnangagwa has called on every eligible voter to secure national identity cards in their respective constituencies and vote for the revolutionary party.

Civic registration documents such as national identity cards, birth certificates, death certificates and cattle brands are now free of charge, following an intervention by President Mnangagwa.

Over the weekend, Zanu PF was on a voter registration exercise to identify and assist those who have not yet registered to vote, those seeking transfers, and those without national identity documents, as part of its mobilisation drive. President Mnangagwa, through party structures, provided free transport to ferry people who were seeking to register to vote and those willing to secure national identity cards.

Addressing Zanu PF supporters at Dunstan in Goromonzi, District Co-ordinating Committee vice chairman Asani Seremani urged party members to register to vote, equating those who are in the party structures but not registered voters as sell-outs.

"You can't claim to love the party and the President, while you are not a registered voter. Those holding positions in the party from cell to Central Committee, but not yet registered to vote should voluntarily cease their positions forthwith.

"We want to move with members who love their party and the President unconditionally. People should appreciate the good works of the President in developing the country. He is leaving no one and no place behind. We should thank him by giving a second term this year. He is our sole candidate for the party," said Seremani.

He said the province is determined to ensure first time voters are registered and give them the necessary orientation on the good works of the President and the revolutionary party.

"We want to ensure all our members from cell level to Central Committee level are registered voters. We are in a mobilisation drive for the party. Zanu PF is a mass party, hence everyone should be a registered voter," Seremani said.

A number of former CCC members who defected to Zanu PF, including former Marondera mayor Farai Nyandoro were unveiled to party supporters. Nyandoro hailed President Mnangagwa's work ethic and desire to fulfill the wishes of the people.

"In CCC, members are taught to be violent and revolt against the Government. In Zanu PF people are taught to be patriotic. There is love and unity in Zanu PF, that is what we want in Zimbabwe," he said.

Nyandoro warned some CCC members who are terrorising Zanu PF members in Dunstan, ward 22, Goromonzi South, saying such acts are uncalled for.

"Those behind terrorising our youth will face the wrath of the law. We have heard some reports of CCC members who are threatening Kaguvi District Youth chairman Mathias Mandikisi."

Mandikisi said they are being targeted by some CCC hooligans at Dunstan area.

"The area used to be an opposition stronghold, but we are saying enough is enough, we want to reclaim what is ours. We want the party to win resoundingly in Goromonzi South," said Mandikisi.

In Harare South, DCC 6 Secretary for Transport and Welfare, Nicol Hamadziripi, echoed the same sentiments saying senior party members should be at the forefront of registering members and their families to be eligible to vote.

"We want members who are faithful to the party and the President. Those without required documents should seek guidance from the party leadership in their respective cells so that they can be assisted. We want those who are eligible to vote to exercise their rights by voting for Zanu PF," he said.

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More on: #DCC, #Zanu-PF, #CCC