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Gold thief killed at girlfriend's house

by Simbarashe Sithole in Mazowe
01 Feb 2023 at 02:33hrs | Views
A group of illegal miners allegedly bashed a suspected gold thief to death in Mazowe before setting the cabin of his girlfriend ablaze on Sunday.

The now deceased Llyod Ncube (32) was fatally assaulted at Foyle farm, Mazowe.

Mashonaland Central province police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe confirmed the case.

"I can confirm a murder case in Mazowe where Ncube was murdered by a group of illegal miners on Sunday," Mundembe said.

Allegations are that the group dragged Ncube to his girlfriend Ireen Kadungure's (32) house and baptized him in mud water.

Sensing danger Kadungure fled from her cabin which was eventually burnt by the angry miners.

Ncube was assaulted with sharp objects and boots before being burnt on his feet.

His lifeless body was discovered hours later and his girlfriend filed a police report.

Mundembe implored those with information which can lead to the arrest of suspects to report to the nearest police station or call Mazowe police station at 066219509 or Bindura Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Bindura on 0662106515.

Source - Byo24News