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Mutsvangwa urges Zanu-PF members to remain united in Mutare

by Staff Reporter
03 Feb 2023 at 06:42hrs | Views
Zanu-PF Women's League's Secretary for Administration Monica Mutsvangwa has urged party members to remain united, while defending the country's sovereignty and winning the forthcoming elections in Mutare and Manicaland.

Speaking during a Women's League inter-district meeting at Mutare Hall yesterday, Mutsvangwa who is also Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, urged women to remain committed to the party and shun being used as political pawns by the opposition parties.

She urged them to vote wisely and resoundingly defeat the opposition in urban areas during the forthcoming harmonised elections.

"Remain united and vote for the right party in the forthcoming harmonised elections," said Mutsvangwa.

"The opposition has failed everyone in urban areas, so I urge you to vote wisely and advise others in our communities to do so as well.

"The Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme is evident enough that President Mnangagwa has the country at heart. He saw that opposition councils have failed and took it upon himself to rehabilitate roads which are supposed to be under the jurisdiction of these opposition-led councils.

"Vote for councillors who are accountable to the party. During the primary elections, when the candidate your support is not elected, support the one who gains the majority votes because we are supporting the party and not individuals."

Mutsvangwa urged women to shun protest votes and use the proper party channels and structures to air their grievances and concerns.

"People have a tendency of casting protest votes because of mere misunderstandings and this should be discouraged," she said.

"We should shun infighting when we all know our common enemy. The revolutionary party has proper structures for you to come up with a candidate of your choice."

Addressing the same gathering, Zanu-PF Manicaland Women's League chair Happiness Nyakuedzwa said they had confidence that the party will win back the Mutare urban seats from the opposition parties.

"We are confident that President Mnangagwa will get a hundredfold more votes in Mutare than those he received in the previous elections," she said.

"We are challenging what was known as the norm that the opposition wins in Manicaland.

"This time around, the revolutionary party will win in Mutare and we will vote back President Mnangagwa into office."

Nyakuedzwa applauded the local women's league leadership for defending and helping strengthen the party in urban areas where the opposition previously had a stronghold.

"We need to keep making sure that President Mnangagwa and the party record resounding victories come election day," she said.

"Continue working hard and engaging the electorate in the opposition strongholds.

"Be positive that we will win back Mutare because nothing will stop us. President Mnangagwa will surely win with your able leadership and loyalty."

Mutare District Co-ordination Committee's Secretary for Women Affairs Lorraine Mukodza promised to garner more votes for President Mnangagwa and the ruling party.

"We promise you a resounding victory. With Mutare Women's League members, victory is certain," she said.

Mutare DCC chairman Binali Yard said they were leaving no stone unturned to wrestle all the urban seats from the opposition in Mutare.

Source - The Herald