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Man threatens to kill wife for cooking imboza

by Staff reporter
03 Feb 2023 at 19:14hrs | Views
A 38-YEAR-OLD man from Bulawayo has been fined $9 000 after threatening to kill his wife over undercooked isitshwala (imboza).

True to the "hungry man is an angry man" adage Mncedisi Khumalo threatened to wipe his wife- Saneliso Ncube (26)- off the face of the earth as he found the food unpalatable.

It was a sight to behold as the grown man roared uncompromisingly over food.

Khumalo appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Shepherd Mjanja facing "making a threat" charges as defined in Section 186 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act Chapter 9:23.

He pleaded guilty and was fined $9 000 or (30 days imprisonment).

Khumalo defended his actions saying he threatened to kill his wife out of anger.

Later, when the court asked why he threatened to kill his wife, Khumalo said he was just teasing her.

The court heard that on 22 January 2023, at around 8pm, Khumalo's wife was home with her family when their domestic helper served them food.

He was not pleased with the Isitshwala and laid into the maid with a barrage of insults.

Ncube intervened and this made Khumalo blow his top.

He threatened to kill his wife and no amount of reasoning could calm him down.

Khumalo left the house in a huff and went on to call Ncube's grandmother, telling her that whenever he gets a chance, he will kill Ncube and go to Khami Prison.

She reported the matter to the police leading to her husband's arrest.

Khumalo handed himself over to the police.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Imboza, #Man, #Wife