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Chamisa's 26 activists remanded to April 26

by Staff reporter
04 Feb 2023 at 01:18hrs | Views
THE 26 members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) who were arrested for disturbing public peace in Budiriro were yesterday remanded to April 26 after the State indicated that investigations on the matter were still ongoing.

The activists, who include an 81-year-old man Sekuru Netsambo and CCC organising secretary Amos Chibaya and Budiriro legislator Costa Machingauta were advised of the new remand date by Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi.

They are accused of gathering with the intent to cause public violence.  They are being represented by lawyers from the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum.

Allegations are that on January 14 2023, the accused persons responded to an invitation for a CCC party meeting at Machingauta's house.

The invitation was allegedly authored and circulated on various social media platforms by one Lancelot Tungwarara.

On Saturday, the activists who were dressed in their party regalia gathered at Machingauta's house.

"While at the gathering, the accused persons chanted CCC political party slogan Ngaapinde hake Mukomana, 2023 Chamisa Chete Chete', meaning let the boy get in, 2023 Chamisa only."

It is State's case that Budiriro police received a tip off that the accused were gathered and went to investigate.

"Upon arrival at the scene of crime, the police observed that the accused's conduct was disturbing the peace of a section of members of the public.

"The police ordered the accused persons to disperse but they resisted leading to their arrest. The accused had no lawful excuse to act in the manner they did," the State said.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe