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ChitimachaED song released

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2023 at 04:51hrs | Views
POPULAR music outfit, Final Warning, has released a song named "#ChitimachaED" which is aimed at mobilising voters for President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF in the upcoming elections.

President Mnangagwa, who is Zanu-PF's President and First Secretary, was last year unanimously endorsed by all party organs as the party's sole presidential candidate in the impending elections.

Final Warning, composed of brothers Prosper Dembedza, affectionately known as Proda, and Edward, whose stage name is Stable, said the song was about appreciating several developmental works spearheaded by President Mnangagwa that were leaving no one and no place behind nationwide.

Lead singer, Proda, said the song, which was produced by Simplex Music, also talks about how different Zanu-PF affiliates and lobby groups such as Teachers4ED, Miners4ED, Doctors4ED, Vendors4ED, and Mahwindi4ED were complementing President Mnangagwa's Vision 2030 of attaining an upper middle income economy.

Proda said as sons of a bonafide war veteran, his brother and himself were compelled to continue supporting the ruling party, Zanu-PF, which was safeguarding the gains of the liberation struggle.

"We do appreciate all the work which the President is doing for our country from roads rehabilitation to economic growth," he said.

"President Mnangagwa is a visionary leader and we believe that by 2030 he would have transformed the country into a middle income society. As Zimbabweans, we are also responsible for developing our nation as the President always say "Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo".

Proda said #ChitimachaED was a song speaking about people joining the bandwagon of national development.

On the other hand, Stable said Zimbabweans across political and religious divide should unite and work towards the development of the country, taking advantage of the listening President in President Mnangagwa.

"This song is an appreciation of the wonders our President is doing in making sure that people's concerns are addressed and the development of the nation at large continues," he said.

"He is one visionary leader who is making sure that no one and no place is being left behind. This is evidenced in the works he is doing across the country. So, we decided to pen this song to tell the people to join the winning team because ED is the way to go."

Final Warning is famed for singing revolutionary songs that aim at inculcating patriotism among Zimbabweans and unite them towards the development of the country.

In 2018, Final Warning did the official song and video for #edhasmyvote which was played on television during the harmonised elections in that year.

Source - The Herald