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Big snake scares Bulawayo residents

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2023 at 04:52hrs | Views
A HUGE black snake is scaring people at the traffic light controlled intersection along Robert Mugabe Way and 12th Avenue in Bulawayo.

The fact that the snake is dead, is not making a difference as most people who see it scream and run away.

A news crew came across the snake which some onlookers said was a Black Mamba, near a dust bin at the intersection this afternoon. Some people said it has been there since morning.

Scary snake was dumped next to a bin along 12th Ave and R Mugabe Way

Curious residents are going to the scene as images of the reptile are going viral. Only the rain that is falling in the area could be preventing a huge crowd from gathering.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Snake, #Scare, #Bulawayo